Dear Expand Your Influence Attendee,
Your package starts with our 12-week online intensive Mastering Influence Program – How to become a sought-after highly-paid expert in your field ($3,081 value)
In this program Teresa walks you through the habits to acquire and mistakes to avoid for becoming an influential person in your industry. You will master:
- How to avoid the 10 top mistakes people make that get in the way of business relationships. Everyone has a least two of these built into their personalities!
- The unspoken rule book of how to play the influence game. High level influencers interact with a unique set of rules. If you don’t know the norms, they’ll know you’re not at their level!
- How to become a hub of the influencers in your industry.
- 3 Key skills of Networking for connecting with influencers.
- How to become the type of person that everyone else pursues.
- Becoming a master at enrolling and convincing others of your ideas.
One Time Payment
3 Payments
4 Payments
How Can A Mentor Help You?
Studies have shown time and time again that your chances for success are much higher if you have a mentor. No matter what goal you’re striving to reach, having a mentor who takes you under their wing can make a world of difference.
Included in the price of $1,786, you will also have exclusive access for one full year:
- Unlimited email correspondence with me, to answer any questions you may have (valued at $1,000/hour)
- My student-only website, where you can view all posted answers to my students’ questions (valued at $300 – with Advanced Group Mentorship calls below)
- My monthly Advanced Group Mentorship calls, where you forward your questions (via email) to me beforehand. You are free to join in on the Q&A session with authors such as yourself. (Valued at $8,847, and available to you for as long as you need them!)
- Archive of recordings from past calls (Valued at $1,000)
- Access to the Mastering Influence Package: Master of Influence, Bestseller Lever 1 & 2 (Valued at $3,081)
TOTAL VALUE OF $13,928!!!
You get incredible value as a member of my Advanced Group Mentorship Program.
Still, you may be thinking to yourself, “ I can’t afford a mentor!”
My Question For You Is, “Can You Afford To Not Have A Mentor?”
Register now to have instant access to my exclusive program, including all of my valuable bonuses.
I look forward to helping you build your online business!