Welcome, “Wealthy Mind Warrior Listeners!

Stop Selling Yourself!

Learn How To Get Others To Promote You Instead.

Teresa de Grosbois shows you how!

We all have a unique Attraction Factor, a quality that naturally draws people to us. It’s different for each of us, but once you tap into it, you have tapped into what people find irresistible about you!

The flip side of this is that there are personality pitfalls that we must avoid and what works for one person may be the exact thing that backfires for you. A simple example of this is that some people are naturally charming, while others are intellectually brilliant. If your gift is intellect and you attempt to be charming, you can easily come across as obnoxious or inauthentic.

We all seem to have a natural blind spot to these areas and when we step into these faux pas we instantly turn people off and away from the value we have to offer.

There’s a number of unspoken rules to playing the influence game that people who come out on top seem to just know. In fact, every time you move up a level in the game of social influence there’s a whole NEW set of unspoken rules and if you don’t know these norms you’ll be immediately pegged and frozen out.

Not only do I teach people how to master these levels of social influence, but I introduce my students TO the next level in a way that makes their brilliance shine and gives them the ‘burning in’ time needed to get the lay of the land so they don’t put their foot in it.

Think about it, what’s easier, an introduction by someone who’s already inside the inner circle or trying to sell yourself?

I teach you how to build relationships with those who have the influence, the connectors in your industry and then leverage the credibility they have built in to convince their friends and associates of your value.

Instead of selling people for opportunities you’ll become sought out for your input.

And once you’re in, you’ll learn how you can become one of the hubs of influence where the majority of the opportunities and connections are being screened through you first.

Join us for this 8-Week Online Training Program,
‘Mastering Influence: How To Become A Sought-After Highly-Paid Expert In Your Field.’
You will master:
  • How to avoiding the top mistakes people make that get in the way of business relationships. Everyone has a least two of these built into their personalities!
  • The unspoken rule book of how to play the influence game . There’s a whole set of rules that people at that level interact with. If you don’t know the norms, they’ll know you’re not at their level
  • How to become a hub of the influencers in your industry.
  • Key skills of Networking for connecting with influencers
  • How to become the type of person that everyone else pursues.
  • Becoming a master at enrolling and convincing others of your ideas.
  • And the final module – you have to wait ‘til you get there to know what it is. It will really help you get to the next level and you will LOVE it.
  • PLUS! You can email your questions to Teresa and participate in a group coaching call.
$247 CDN
[iqvideo file=’dglp/dave-albano-testimonial.mp4′ bgimage=’http://wildfireacademy.s3.amazonaws.com/dglp/daposter.png’]

This $547 course is being offered specially to listeners for $247 CDN.

[iqvideo file=’dglp/debbi-dachinger-testimonial-final.mp4′ bgimage=’http://wildfireacademy.s3.amazonaws.com/dglp/ddposter.png’]

You have the opportunity to be one of the first 20 students for whom we create tailor-made examples for the issues you struggle with on this topic.

[iqvideo file=’dglp/sutestimonial.mp4′ bgimage=’http://wildfireacademy.s3.amazonaws.com/dglp/suposter.png’]

“Teresa taught me how to dream a bigger dream and make a bigger difference. Her guidance helped me have the confidence to network with business leaders all over the world, dramatically expanding my sphere of influence and reach. This led to me launching two #1 best-selling children’s books and being featured in newspapers, magazines, and websites as a result of Teresa’s mentorship. She is a master of influence. Now I’m meeting fabulous people and sharing my message of self-esteem with children worldwide.”

~ Sheri Fink, #1 Best-selling Author of ‘The Little Rose’ and ‘The Little Gnome’ and Founder of Author Success Academy

Also, for the first 20 students who enroll, you will receive an additional group coaching call with Teresa!

Simply submit click on the buy now button to get instant access:

$247 CDN